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Campus Engagement

The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion works to support student-led initiatives promoting access and diversity on both campuses. Our clubs and organizations are a great place to feel connected.

McMinnville clubs and organizations

Black Student Union


BSU brings together and acknowledges individuals of all diversities while striving to especially give unique insight and education in Black culture.

Hui o Lokahi

(formerly Hawai'i Club)

Hui o Lōkahi shares an awareness of Hawaiian and Polynesian culture with the Linfield community. We hold an annual Lu'au and Ho'ike in the spring – a community favorite!

Linfield United in Pride


LUP provides a space for students to talk about experiences and learn about sexuality and gender with a focus on LGBTQIA+ social climates at Linfield and globally.

Linfield University Latine Adelante


LULA strengthens our Hispanic/Latine/Chicanx community through relationship building, programming, advocacy and mentorship.

Students Advocating for Gender Equity


SAGE actively works toward gender equity both at Linfield University and in the greater community.

More Cultural Clubs and Events

McMinnville campus

With more than 50 clubs and organizations on the McMinnville campus, you're bound to find at least one group that feels like home.

Portland clubs and organizations

Rx Pride

Portland campus

The School of Nursing's club for LGBTQIA+ students and allies. All are welcome!

Multicultural Student Nurses


MSN enriches the lives of the Linfield and Portland communities by focusing on diversity, inclusion, equity, leadership and service.

Nursing Students Without Borders


NSWB promotes awareness of and involvement in global health.

Peer Resource Network


PRN is a peer mentoring program that connects a community of past, present and future nursing students.

More Nursing Clubs and Events

Portland School of Nursing

Find your group! Browse more clubs and organizations available on the Portland campus for our nursing students. Various events are held throughout the academic year.

Additional support and services

The Chaplain's Office

University Chaplain and Service Leadership

The chaplain's office at Linfield supports students of all faiths and no faith. They are committed to being a place of welcome, inclusion and healing, where individuals are celebrated for who they are – all of who they are.

Student Health, Wellness and Counseling Center


Linfield's SHWCC provides integrative care and support for your growth and development – physical, psychological, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.

The Office of Student Care and Support

Melrose Hall

The Office of Student Care and Support helps students resolve challenges that may arise in their college career, educationally or personally. Together, you'll problem solve, find connections and resources on and off campus, and build resilience.