How to Give to Linfield
How do I give?
There are many ways to contribute. No matter what donation method you choose, your gift builds a stronger Linfield University.
Linfield donors can make their gifts online at our secure website. Monthly and quarterly giving options are available, and your online gift is completely secure.
Cash and check
Checks may be mailed to:
Linfield University
Office of University Advancement
900 SE Baker Street
McMinnville, Oregon 97128-6894
Cash or checks may be delivered to Melrose 213 on the McMinnville campus.
Credit card installments and electronic fund transfer
Many people find it convenient to make monthly or quarterly payments by credit card or through Linfield’s Electronic Fund Transfer program. To set up your automatic payments by credit card or from a checking or savings account, contact Suzanne Coggeshall by email or at 503-883-2546 or visit our secure website.
Corporate matching gifts
Alumni (and their spouses), parents and friends can increase their gifts by taking advantage of their company’s matching gift program. Many companies match household giving, sometimes one-to-one or two-to-one. If your company has a corporate matching gift program, simply request the appropriate form. Complete and send it along with your gift to the Office of University Advancement. See if your company matches gifts.
Questions? Contact Suzanne Coggeshall by email or at 503-883-2546.
Real estate and stocks
Gifts of real estate and appreciated stocks are gratefully accepted, provided they comply with the gift acceptance policy of the college.
Please consult with Craig Haisch ‘95, director of development by email or at 503-883-2675.
Gift acknowledgments
The Office of University Advancement is responsible for the comprehensive, consistent and accurate recognition and stewardship of your gifts to the college. We abide by the standards described in the Donor Bill of Rights, and we ensure that information about your gift is appropriately reported, and, if desired, publicly recognized.