Meet Kendall Harrison '21
Leaving With No Regrets

Meet Kendall Harrison '21
“I think about this a lot. If I didn't push myself, I wouldn't have learned those lessons,” says Kendall. “I was also able to meet so many cool people and have so many cool experiences. Even though they like saying yes to some opportunities that might have filled my schedule and had me emotionally stressed, I always knew that I had a good support system and that people are flexible. I am grateful for the experiences that I've said yes to because, in my opinion, it has far outweighed the negatives.”
The first-generation college student, Kendall was unaware of what the next few years at Linfield had in store for her upon arrival her first year. But only four years later, she was able to graduate from Linfield with a Tri-Degree Cum Laude in marketing, French and media studies while being involved in numerous clubs and organizations.
“I think I always had a need to be involved as much as possible,” she said. “In high school, I was a part of so many clubs, honor societies, sports and volunteered as well as working at the same time. So, that's kind of my jam and how I function. Coming to Linfield, I think I did the same thing because I was a first-generation student and I didn't know what I was getting into.”
No longer playing soccer, which she competed in through high school, Kendall took a shot in the dark and tried out for the Linfield Dance Team in the fall of her first year. Along with the dance team, she became a representative for Linfield’s Residence Life Association and helped in the sustainability office as a Green Chair.
“Honestly, I tried to do as much as possible really just to make the most of my experience, '' says Harrison. “I always thrive off of being busy. I also think I always had the intention of getting the most out of my Linfield experience. I came here knowing I could be involved in so many aspects without having to worry about proving if I was good enough.”
By the end of her senior year, Kendall studied abroad, served as a member of Linfield’s RHA for three years, created Linfield’s Pawdcast Productions and juggled two extracurricular activities while working off-campus.
When reflecting on all of the activities Harrison participated in during her four years at Linfield, she credits Linfield’s Residence Hall Association for teaching her the most valuable life lessons.
From serving as a mentor and advisor for many first-year and returning students, while enforcing campus living policies Kendall learned many valuable life skills.
Being an RA and RLA meant Harrison was able to practice her communication, creativity, conflict resolution, management and interpersonal leadership skills starting as early as her freshman year.
“I think the main thing that helped me become the leader that I am is through residence life, '' says Harrison. “My vision of a leader and who I want to be has changed because of Linfield’s Residence Life. I think others can vouch for me too, but I like to think I am now more collaborative, a better listener, and willing to offer help in more genuine ways.”
While a member of the Linfield Dance Team, Kendall found herself taking on another role as the team's social media manager.
Along with juggling her studies and many other activities, she was able to significantly increase the team's online presence and meet her coach's goal. Through this experience, Kendall was able to find her passion and strength in online marketing which led her to her current social media summer internship with Dutch Bros.
“[The Dance Team] had a small social media presence with only around 150 followers when I offered to take over because I saw a need for that,” she says. “It's crazy that just because I saw that opportunity I was able to grow so much I found this passion which led me to my summer internship with Dutch Bros.”
“I think it would be a shame not to be involved as much in your community or being a part of something bigger than yourself,” Kendall says. “By being involved you just meet so many amazing people and contribute to something bigger than yourself. I hope I'll be able to do that wherever life takes me.”