Paying it Forward
Alumni Profile: Sandy Cameli '85
Sandy Cameli ’85 promotes Linfield’s mission of lifelong learning as an Educational Specialist for the Hawaii Department of Education and as a facilitator of “Nu Kumu Alaka’I – Teacher Leader Academy” which supports and elevates teacher leadership in the K-12 schools across the state.
Sandy said, “To be surrounded by passionate educators who continually give back to the profession on a daily basis, fuels my soul!”
Her fondest memories from Linfield include the people who inspired her path in the field of education.
“One example was Dr. Doug Cruikshank, a Professor who ‘walked the walk’ and encouraged us to do the same. I remember he spent a sabbatical year – not traveling or writing a book – but teaching in a McMinnville classroom so he could keep his finger on the pulse of what was happening in the schools in order to best support us as pre-service teachers. He exemplified lifelong learning then, and his role modeling continues to guide me even today!”
Prior to serving at the state level, Sandy was an educator working with 6th-8th graders while also coaching and mentoring beginning teachers at the district level. Shaped by the solid foundation provided by Linfield’s education department, Sandy pursued her master's and doctoral degrees in order to pay-it-forward to the next generation of teachers.
Sandy's advice to current students:
“Embrace the sense of community – on campus and off – that Linfield and McMinnville provide! University life is the perfect time and place to discover new talents, expand networking connections and establish your ‘why’ as an individual and community member! #OnceAWildcatAlwaysAWildcat.”