Steve Bernhisel
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Steve Bernhisel Associate Professor, Secondary Education Coordinator, Transfer Advisor, edTPA Coordinator

Potter Hall 332
As a former high school chemistry and biology teacher, Steve's specialty is helping future elementary and secondary teachers teach science effectively. Additionally, Steve teaches EDUC 305 Teaching Methods & Classroom Management and EDUC 430 Science Content Methods for Middle and High School.
- B.S., Brigham Young University
- M.Ed., Utah State University
- Ph.D.,Utah State University
Academic interests
Preservice teacher training, science education, misconceptions relating to biology, educational technology
- National Science Teachers Association Convention, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 2011, “Using Electricity in the Elementary Science Classroom.”
- National Science Teachers Association Convention, Baltimore, MD, Nov. 2010,
"Electrify your Elementary Science Lessons” - National Science Teachers Association Convention, St. Louis, MO, March 2007,
"Science Inquiry for Preservice Elementary Teachers” - National Science Teachers Association Convention, Denver, CO, Nov. 2007,
"Using Technology to Enhance Elementary Science Instruction.” - National Science Teachers Association Convention, Anaheim, CA, April 2006,
"Using Water to Teach Elementary Science Concepts.” - National Science Teachers Association Convention, Chicago, IL, Nov. 2005,
"Misconceptions of the Concept of Energy.” - EDUCAUSE Convention, Denver, CO. October 2004. “One Institution's Assessment” Faculty vs. Student Expectations of Information Literacy Knowledge and Skills.”
- Oregon Science Teachers Association Convention, Salem, OR, October 2004,
"Science Inquiry Outside of the Classroom” - National Science Teachers Association Convention, Atlanta, GA, April 2004,
“Extending Investigative Science Beyond the Elementary Classroom.” - Valentine, B. & Bernhisel, S. (2008) Teens and Their Technologies in High School and College: Implications for Teaching and Learning, Journal of Academic Librarianship. 34(6), 502-512
- Bernhisel, S., J. Caspers, (2007) What Do Freshmen Really Know about Research? Assess Before You Teach, Research Strategies 20, 458-468
- Bernhisel, S. (2004) An Assessment of Sixth Grade Students’ Conceptions of Energy. The Oregon Science Teacher, 46(1), 11-21