Mindy Legard Larson
Mindy Legard Larson Professor of Education

Potter Hall 220
Mindy's areas of expertise include teaching reading and writing to elementary students, and children's literature. She has led a January Term course in Norway and Sweden. Mindy has taught first, second and third grades and served an elementary curriculum and program specialist. This year, Mindy will teach Teaching Literacy I (EDUC 401), Teaching Literacy II (EDUC 402), Teaching Social Studies (EDUC 450), Part-Time Student Teaching Seminar (EDUC 497) and Full-Time Student Teaching Seminar (EDUC 496).
- B.S., Linfield College
- M.S., Western Oregon University
- Ph.D., Oregon State University
Academic interests
- Literacy pedagogy and assessment
- Literacy teacher identity development
- Material feminisms & poststructural feminisms theory and research
- Children's literature, middle level literature and young adult literature
Textbook publication
Phillips, D.K. & Larson, M.L. (2024). Becoming a Teacher of Writing in Elementary Classrooms 2nd ed. Routledge.
Phillips, D. K. & Larson, M. L. (2016). The teacher-student writing conference reimaged: Entangled becoming-writingconferencing. In C. Taylor & G. Ivinson (Eds.), Material Feminism: New Directions for Education. New York, NY: Routledge.
Phillips, D.K. & Larson, M.L. (2015). Becoming a Teacher of Writing in Elementary Classrooms. New York: Routledge.
Journal publications
Yeigh, M., Villagomez, A., Lenski, S., McElhone, D., & Larson, M.L, (2017). Teachers’ Professional Judgment in Contrast with Policy Mandates: Instructional Material Adoption and Students’ Needs. Northwest Journal of Teacher Education, 12 (2).
Lenski, S., Larson, M.L., McElhone, D., Davis, D., Lauritzen, C. & Villagomez, A. (2016). What teachers want: A statewide survey of Reading and Egnlish language arts teachers' instructional materials, preferences, and practices. Literacy Research and Instruction, 55 (3), 237-261.
Phillips, D. K. & Larson, M. L. (2016). The teacher-student writing conference reimaged: Entangled becoming-writingconferencing. In C. Taylor & G. Ivinson (Eds.), Material Feminism: New Directions for Education. New York, NY: Routledge.
Phillips, D.K. & Larson, M.L. (2013). The teacher-student writing conference reimaged: Entangled becoming-writingconferencing. Gender & Education, 25(6), 722-737.
Larson, M.L. & Phillips, D.K. (2013). Searching for methodology: Feminist relational materialism and the teacher-student writing conference. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 4(1), 17-34.
Phillips, D.K. & Larson, M.L. (2012). The Teacher-Student Writing Conference Entangled: Thinking Data with Material Feminisms. Critical Studies - Cultural Methodologies, 12(3), 225-234.
Phillips, D.K. & Larson, M.L. (2012). Preservice teachers respond to And Tango Makes Three: Deconstructing disciplinary power and the heteronormative in teacher education Gender & Education, 24(2), 159-176.
Phillips, D.K., Harris, G., Larson, M.L. & Higgins, K. (2009). Trying on—being in— becoming: Four women’s “intergenerational” journal in feminist poststructural theory. Qualitative Inquiry, 15(9).
Phillips, D.K. & Larson, M.L. (2009). Embodied discourses of literacy in the lives of two preservice teachers. Teacher Development: An international journal of teacher’s professional development, 13(2), 135-146.
Larson, M.L. (2008). Preservice literacy teachers in transition: Identity as subjectivity. The International Journal of Learning, 15(6), 203-210.
Larson, M.L. (2008). Preservice literacy teacher identity development: Discourses, subjectivity, and agency. Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM.
Larson, M.L. & Phillips, D.K (2005). Becoming a teacher of literacy: The struggle between authoritative discourses. Teaching Education, 16(4), 311-323.
Conference presentations
Kondor, C., Larson, M. Kalnin, J., Flora, J., Imig, A., Potter, M., Vincent, K., Wheaton, K. (2023, March). Building Local Teacher Performance Assessments to Develop Equitable and Culturally Sustaining Instruction. Oregon Association of Teacher Educators Conference. Portland, OR.
Larson, M.L. & VanBeek, G. (2018, April). Inclusive children's literature: Meeting the needs of all children in CCSS classrooms. Serving the Full Spectrum: Meeting the Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer and Transgendered Youth in Schools. Forest Grove, OR.
Landon-Hays, M., LeJeune, M., Hughes, C., McElhone, D. & Larson, M.L. (2017, March). How are educator preparation programs supporting in-service and pre-service teachers to work with students who demonstrate characteristics associated with dyslexia? Oregon Association of Teacher Educator Conference. Portland, OR.
Larson, M.L., Hughes, C., & Leija, M. (2017, February). Teaching with the new dyslexia standards. Oregon Reading Association Winter Institute. Portland, OR.
Larson, M.L., Lenski, S., Yeigh, M., McElhone, D., Davis, D. (2015, December). Using teachers' views to impact statewide policy change: Recommendations from a statewide reading instructional materials and practices survey. Literacy Research Association Conference. Carlsbad, CA.
McElhone, D., Larson, M.L., Landon-Hays, M., LeJeune, M., Villagómez, A., Yeigh, M. & Davis, D. (2015, March). We have to adopt that?!?!: Results and implications from the 2014 survey of Oregon literacy instructional practices and materials. Oregon Teacher Educators Association Conference. Portland, OR.
Larson, M.L. (2013, November). Enhancing comprehension through active engagement with text Part II: Inferring, asking questions, and determining importance. Inter-American Education Network of the Department of Human Development, Education and Employment of the Organization of the American States and International Reading Association. ITEN-IRA Innovative Literacy Teaching Techniques Series Webinar.
Phillips, D.K. & Larson, M.L. (2013, May). Entangled writing conversing: Reimaged teaching and learning as intra-activity. American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Larson, M.L. & Phillips, D.K. (2013, March). Inclusive children's literature: Meeting the needs of all children in the Common Core State Standards classroom. Serving the Full Spectrum: Meeting the Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Students Conference. Forest Grove, OR.
Larson, M.L. & Phillips, D.K. (2012, November). Refiguring the teacher-student writing conference with material feminisms. Literacy Research Association. San Diego, CA.
Larson, M.L. & Phillips, D.K. (2012, April). Refiguring case study methodology through agential realism: Possibilities and dilemmas of studying learning events as phenomena. American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. Vancouver, B.C.
Larson, M.L. & Phillips, D.K. (2012, February). Effective writing conferences in the CCSS classroom: Acknowledging the complexities of teacher language and student engagement. Oregon Reading Association Winter Institute. Portland, OR.
Larson, M.L. & Phillips, D.K. (2011, April). Feminist relational materialism and diffractive methodology: Re-envisioning the teacher-student writing conference. American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.
Larson, M.L. & Phillips, D.K. (2011, March). The teacher who cares and meets the needs of and all children: Subverting the heteronormative. Serving the Full Spectrum: Meeting the Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Students Conference. Forest Grove, OR.
Larson, M.L. & Phillips, D.K. (2011, February). Teacher Identity and the Oregon Literacy Framework. Oregon Reading Association Conference. Portland, OR.
Larson, M.L. & Phillips, D.K. (2010, December). Preservice teachers respond to And Tango Makes Three: Deconstructing disciplinary power and the heteronormative in teacher education. National Reading Conference. Ft. Worth, TX.
Larson, M.L. (2010, October). Theory matters: Using research to reclaim and support literacy practices. Mid-Valley Reading Council of the International Reading Association Workshop. Corvallis, OR.
Larson, M.L. & Phillips, D.K. (2010, February). Books like these: Deconstructing the heterosexual agenda of preservice teachers. International Globalization, diversity & education conference. Spokane, WA.
Larson, M.L., Winograd, K., Bryant, J., Smiles, T., LeJeune, M. & Phillips, D.K. (2010, February). Language & Identity: Teacher Educators’ Research and Praxis. Oregon Reading Association conference. Portland, OR.
Larson, M.L., *Newberry, L., *Inman, B. & *Duranleau, A. (2010, February). “It doesn’t look like I write, but it looks like I write to me”: Examining the writing identities of PreK through fifth grade writers. West Regional International Reading Association Conference. Portland, OR. *Linfield students
Larson, M.L. & Phillips, D.K. (2010, February). Books like these. West Regional International Reading Association Conference. Portland, OR.
Phillips, D.K , Harris, G., Larson, M.L. & higgins, k. (2009, April). Embodied journeys in feminist poststructural theory. American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Larson, M.L., Phillips, D.K., Nava, R., Smiles, T. & Lutz, A. (2009, February). Literacy teacher education at a crossroad: Promoting critical thinking and authentic instruction in an NCLB environment. Oregon Reading Association conference. Portland, OR.
Larson, M.L. (2009, January). Critical literacy: Ways to engage your studetns to critically read and comprehend. Mid-Columbia Council of the International Reading Association. Hood River, OR.
Larson, M.L. (2008, November). A scaffold for critically examining literacy curriculum with preservice teachers. National Council of Teachers of English Convention. San Antonio, TX.
Harris, G., Higgins, K., Phillips, D.K. & Larson, M.L. (2008, May). Trying on—being in—becoming : Four women’s “intergenerational” journey in feminist poststructural theory. Fourth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Larson, M.L., Bates, A., Bryant, J., Carr, K. & Phillips, D.K. (2008, March). Teaching Under the Influence of NCLB: Teacher educators talking back in courses and through teacher research. Oregon Association of Teacher Educators conference. Salem, OR.
Larson, M.L. (2008, March). Read it again! Maximizing your read alouds. Oregon Indian Education Association conference. Grand Ronde, OR.
Larson, M.L., Phillips, D.K., Smiles, T. & Winograd, K. (2008, February). Advancing critical thinking and social justice in literacy teacher education courses. Oregon Reading Association conference. Portland, OR.
Larson, M.L. (2007, July). Preservice teachers’ critical analyses of literacy programs. International Whole Language Umbrella of the National Council of Teachers of English Summer Institute, Louisville, KY.
Larson, M.L. (2007, May). Crisis of learning: An autoethnography of becoming a poststructural feminist. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Phillips, D.K. & Larson, M.L. (2007, May). Preservice teacher education from and with the posts. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Larson, M.L. & Phillips, D.K. (2007, February). Teacher-driven action research: Taking back literacy instruction. Oregon Reading Association conference. Portland, OR.
Larson, M.L. & Phillips, D.K. (2006, May). Research as transitional space. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Phillips, D.K. & Larson, M.L. (2006, April). Who are we becoming as teacher educators of literacy? American Association of Educational Researchers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Larson, M.L. & Phillips, D.K. (2005, February). Reclaiming reading in a scientifically proven landscape. Oregon Reading Association conference. Portland, OR.
Larson, M.L. (2004, January). Becoming a teacher of literacy through collaborative mentorship and district partnership. Oregon Association of Teacher Educators conference. Tualatin, OR.